12 December 2013

Gratitude Moment: Nature, Beauty and Gratitude

How many times have you actually stopped to enjoy a walk by taking a look around you with open eyes?  We are so attached to our busy lives, to our phones, our headphones that we miss the amazing moments of beauty that surround us.  

(Image "Nature by glasseyes view.jpg")

Have a good day by treating your day as a unique gift. This is the perspective we can learn from Louie Schwartzberg's short video from Ted Talks. 

His beautiful timelapse videos of nature will awaken you to the wonderful, ordinary things to be grateful for in any given moment. To the awareness that each day is the only gift we have right now. To the remarkable clouds and colors in the sky. To the incredible stories behind the faces of each person you meet.

Open your heart to the present blessings around you so that those you meet will be blessed too, simply by your presence. Cultivate this gratitude and you will have a good day. 


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